Monday, September 21, 2009

Nail Polish Haul at the new Walgreens!!!

If you don't know this already, I live in Anchorage, Alaska. The largest city in Alaska with about 250,000 in population. Never before has Alaska had a Walgreens, but we just got - not 1, but 2!!!

Of course, the one closest to me opened up after the other (which, btw, I was way too lazy to drive to).

My sweet hubby took me there earlier this evening, and what did I do? I headed straight to the cosmetics department to see what I could find in nail polishes! (Yes, I've been to Walgreens before when I lived in the Continental US, but it had been way too long.)

I started out thinking I'd just buy 2 new colors, which soon became 4, which became 7, which ended up at 11. Oh boy. Before this latest obsession came into full bloom, I owned only 6 or 7 different nail colors. I came back from vacation, and started to amass a fairly good collection. Of course, it doesn't help that my mother is a professional beautician and has access to professional suppliers which means a big discount for me!!! I'm scared to count how many I have, but I think that tomorrow... I will. That will at least leave me something to update about.

Being a nail polish noob is fun!

On another note, I did at least purchase something important - a sharps container! (I know, big woot, right?) ;)

That's all for now, folks!


  1. What colors did you pick up? :) You are brave to want to count how many polishes you have!!

  2. JinGin:

    I'm looking for some rare colors for my wife. Do you have any suggestions for where I can find hard to find colors.


  3. Yup, you should buy her every single polish from the Nfu Oh collection. :)
